Tuesday, April 03, 2007

A call to return

This weekend, I spent some time in San Francisco with some amazing people; all uniquely gifted and minded, yet joined in their search for authentic relationships with Christ. It was thrilling and refreshing, to say the least, to be surrounded by people who seem to feel the same heartbeat as I: hungry for pure God, tired of religiosity, and desperate for an intimate touch from the Creator.

In the past year, I keep hearing the same words whispered in back corners of cafés, hashed over kitchen tables, and screaming through silent emails. People are frustrated with traditional, don’t ask questions, tow the party line, this is the way it has always been done, beliefs. There is a cry to live honest truth, to experience a 21st century gospel, through the bare naked scripture of Christ’s day.

It’s not quite a revolution. Somewhat a reformission. Certainly, a call to return.

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